We are dedicated to helping you achieve your goal of obtaining optimal health. God has given our bodies the capability to self-heal. He has also provided the nutrients we need to sustain a healthy life by consuming quality whole foods and herbs.
nutrition response testing
Nutrition Response Testing is a non-invasive system of analyzing the body's neurological reflexes to determine the underlying causes of ill or non-optimum health. It works in conjunction with any valid healing methodology such as chiropractic or acupuncture to restore cellular integrity.
online Health coaching
Our clients have many different health needs, individual situations, and time constraints, but still want to take the next step to improve their health and well-being. Think of Health Coaching (in-office or FaceTime / Zoom) as a way for you to get specific questions answered, and receive guidance that will personally help your current health and lifestyle.
ZYTO technologY
ZYTO technology enables a bio-communication exchange of information between your body and the computer, generating a report that provides insight on specific organs and body systems.
BEMER Technology
Only optimal, functional circulation ensures proper supply of nutrients & oxygen along with proper waste removal within the body. We use the BEMER to enhance your body's circulation in just 8 minutes.
emotion code
Unexplained symptoms or distress can be related to a traumatic experience, emotional 'baggage', or other past stressful situations in our life. We realize that identifying and addressing these issues are key to feeling better. This service deals specifically with the impact of emotions on our health.
We offer FREE educational workshops on select dates led by Luisa Szakacs, ND, CNC. She will discuss a timely topic relevant to nutrition and healthy living in a PowerPoint presentation-style format, along with a Q&A. Complimentary treats and refreshments are provided, along with chances for attendees to learn more about specific testing tools and techniques firsthand. We encourage you to check back for upcoming workshops.
Find out what our clients are saying about their personal health journeys with Marpé Nutrition!
Featured Recipe
Raspberry Chia Cloud Recipe
4 oz raspberries frozen
1/4 cup maple syrup
1/2 tsp chia seeds
2 cups heavy cream whipped
Melt raspberries in a saucepan with maple syrup and add chia seeds.
When combined blend until smooth.
Chill until thickened.
Combine with whipped cream.
Fill small glasses and top with raspberry and mint leaves.