We are pleased to offer free educational workshops at Marpé on select dates. 

Luisa and her team will present timely topics relevant to nutrition and healthy living in a PowerPoint presentation-style format, along with opportunities for attendees to ask questions. Complimentary homemade treats and refreshments will be provided, along with chances for attendees to learn more about specific testing tools and techniques firsthand. We encourage you to check back regularly for upcoming workshops.

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Workshop: “Nourish to Flourish: The Key Ingredients for Fitness Success”

Thursday, September 26 at 6:45 pm

Are you working hard to get fit but not quite seeing the results you hoped for? It could be that your nutrition isn’t matching your goals, or maybe the protein powder you’re using isn’t the best fit for your body. Perhaps you’re eating too many carbs and not enough healthy fats. If you’re putting in the time at the gym or on the treadmill but still not seeing the progress you want, this workshop is here to help. Come and learn what might be standing in your way and find out how to reach your fitness goals more effectively!

RSVP as Seating is Limited. Bring a friend and receive a $10 Marpé coupon.

Sign up for our next WORKSHOP!