A Visit to the Standard Process Farm
My son, Tyler, and I before the tour
Dr. Royal Lee, founder of Standard Process, said, “Whole foods are the best natural source of vitamins. The key to the highest quality is the manufacturing process.” Standard Process has kept faithful to Dr. Lee’s standards for the 90 years they've been in business. In our office, we are so grateful for the opportunity to help our clients by providing them with these top quality whole food supplements.
Last week I was able to visit the Standard Process Farm in Palmyra, Wisconsin. I toured the farms and saw the complete process of how these products are manufactured from seed to supplement. Every step from picking the organic seeds, growing the plants, testing the plant for maximum nutrient potency, harvesting and immediately drying the plants with a patented drying process that dries at 65 degrees to ensure that the delicate phyto-nutrients are not destroyed, was amazing to experience. I've always known this from the seminars I've attended, and information I've read from the company, but touring the farm and the manufacturing facility elevates my belief in the company to a new level.
Some of the crops they regularly grow include: alfalfa, barley grass, beets, brussels sprouts, buckwheat, kale, kidney beans, oats, pea vine, and spanish black radish. When selecting the seeds to plant for the crops, Standard Process mostly uses certified organic seeds, or seeds saved from their own farm. Because of the unique layout of the land, the crops benefit from irrigation water that is supplied from a naturally occurring artesian water basin below the farm’s surface. Standard Process surrounds the farm on all sides by environmental buffers such as border crops to minimize the chemical and synthetic fertilizers from neighboring commercial growing farms. Standard Process adheres to strict controls for organic weed-control including, cultivating, mowing, hand weeding, cover crops and crop rotation. Standard Process also utilizes composting (prior organic production waste) to increase fertility and soil health on the farm.
One crop that we paid close attention to on our visit was the beet. In the US today, at least 95 percent of sugar beets grown in North America are genetically modified, but not on the Standard Process farm. The organic dried beets are bottled to make a product called Betafood. Betafood is typically used for the healthy function digestive tract including the liver and gall bladder. When comparing to grocery-store purchased beets, the contents of the bottle have a higher concentration of phytonutrients including betaine, and methyl donors, which is excellent support for gall bladder and liver health. Food forms of nutrients are the form of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, fatty acids, phyto-nutrients, and everything else that we still have not discovered, are the forms that humans and animals were meant to use. Your body will assimilate these forms quickly and easily and safely.
We learned a lot at the farm, but the overall truth that makes the difference is Standard Process supplements are essential dry pieces of combinations of organic foods minus the water and fiber. These supplements are put into concentration to support people’s organs/glands and the processes the body runs to support a properly balanced body. Organ/gland weakness, imbalance or toxicity manifest in negative health symptoms, and over time lead to disease. Nobody gets a chronic disease in a day. These conditions happen over years of imbalance.
I have been using Standard Process products for 15 years. Because of their top quality standards, we are thankful to have these tools to help so many of our clients.
Feel free to contact our office to find out which of the Standard Process supplement will benefit you the most! Or simply try the original vitamin supplement, Catalyn, designed by Dr. Lee in 1929. Mention this blog and receive 10% off your supplement purchase!