My Therapeutic Tools for The Islamic Republic of Gambia


Our church just hosted a nine-day mission trip to The Gambia. Although I have traveled often, I have never been on a mission trip where I was not able to make any decisions on where to stay and what to eat. My clients wondered how I would survive the eating and drinking, not to mention the environmental toxins. I really needed a strategic plan.

What did I do to prepare for this trip? I have a few things that I pack when I travel:

  1. Bragg’s Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) - Double bag it in plastic with a small towel for cushioning and place between clothing so it doesn’t break. Drink 2 tbs a day.

  2. Doterra OnGuard Spray - So handy to use anywhere instead of sanitizing wipes.

  3. Doterra Terrashield Spray -Use when you may be bothered by insects.

  4. Melaleuca (Tea Tree) Oil -Apply topically after any bites. Also, apply to cuts and scrapes.

  5. Chlorophyll Complex Ointment - Helpful for any cuts, wounds, burns.

  6. Cataplex F Tablets - Essential fats to help prevent sunburn.

  7. Asea’s RENU - Excellent for sunburn topically.

  8. Parotid PMG - Whole foods support to help your body combat toxic chemical exposure.

  9. HVS Pollution Air and Pollution Environment – Homeopathic remedies to detox environmental toxins.

  10. Garlic Forte – Digestive help to combat parasites.

  11. A homemade mixed bottle of CXVRM1, CXVRM2, CXVRM3 AND CXVRM4- Effective against parasites of all kinds.

  12. Cloth mask – Keep away the concrete dust on the job site.

  13. Berkey Travel Water Filter – Filter any water through the Berkey system and its clean and tastes great!

  14. Vitanox – Take antioxidants because air pollutants cause oxidative stress and inflammation.

  15. Prosynbiotic – A prebiotic/probiotic combination for any gut-distress

  16. GI Adsorb – A toxin binder, especially helpful in cases of diarrhea.

Some foods I brought:

  1. Seaweed snacks – Great with any meal or eat as a snack.

  2. Archer Grass-Fed beef sticks – A quick protein and snack.

  3. SP Complete Chocolate – Great tasting snack for travel. Also, a meal replacement if necessary.

  4. Numi Green Tea Bags

  5. Brad’s Raw Crackers – Snack or meal replacement. Or uses the crumbs to give any meal flavor.

What did I eat?

Since we were advised to avoid salad due to contamination, I was able to consume plenty of other vegetables. We brought along a cook with us, named Bonnie. She was thoughtful enough to find extra veggies at the market whenever possible. For breakfast, I often ate eggs with seaweed snacks, plus green tea. Leftover carrots and broccoli was also delicious for the first meal of the day. For lunches, I skipped the bread and ate chicken salad loaded with salsa and homemade pickles. At dinnertime, we had different meal options, but I added veggies where I could. Bonnie cooked up some quinoa for me while everyone else ate pasta.

As for all my therapeutic items, yes, I used a lot of them. I had my usual daily dose of ACV.  In fact, I am not the only one of our gang to use my vinegar… On day two of the trip, Jeanne, who was a critical care nurse, spent the entire night vomiting.  By the time I saw her in the morning, she had finished hugging the toilet but was still queasy. I brought her to our apartment and gave her ONE DROP of apple cider vinegar to drink and applied ONE DROP topically to the stomach, and she “miraculously” felt great to work all day! Being a nurse, she wasn’t familiar with some of my natural ways but appreciated the miraculous ACV “drug.” The next day, another lady, Janine had severe diarrhea all night, and my roommate later reported that Jeanne came to our place and stole my ACV and gave it to her new patient.  Quite funny that my nurse friend became an instant believer and shared her healing news with others!  I also shared my RENU and Chlorophyll complex with Bonnie after a burning accident in the kitchen. RENU was also helpful for those scorched from 108 degrees in the hot sun. A quick spray of On Guard was helpful after touching anything with potential bacteria. I was glad to take 6 Parotid PMG daily due to the many environmental toxins. Cataplex F tablets kept me away from the toxic sunscreen. Prosynbiotic was effective after the traditional dish of the spicy Gambian Yassa.

I find it very interesting that God provides nutrients in the places where it’s needed most. Coconuts are plentiful in many tropical environments including The Gambia.  Coconut is an excellent source of potassium and essential fats. These are critical in hot environments where extra electrolytes are essential, which is another good reason I enjoyed my coconut and coconut water in Gambia.

Yes, there is no place like home for healthy eating. On the occasion when you do leave the country, have no fear because for the short term, do a bit of prep work and all will be well! ☺

Luisa Szakacs